Aug 30, 2008

Real unity of Taiwan and China

Brand new Taiwan? or Brand new dependence?

Taiwan today is running forward to the new aspect of political argument between big continent and small islands. However, merchandisers keep on producing attractive goods for ordinary potential customers who come from each sides. They are supposed to be the winner of the argument in terms of economy. Everybody would agree it is the point that distinguish Chinese people from other ethnicity. Money is the matter.

They(sellers) tried to confirm those fancy stuffs are very famous to young people in Taiwan. Well, did I hear about that? Or haven't seen it before on the street? I don't care. In fact, they don't care neither. They sell, I buy.

Andy, and Marylin, I'm sorry for that.

Is this co-existence chemical or economic?

It looks 'not bad' if we gaze at it far from the display.

Do you want to rule Formosa again? No way.

Communist-colored Jang. How is the taste of coffee inside?

From 桃園

Above all these mentions, I bought this there, unfortunately. Don't say anything about this consumption. It was just a trade, money and goods, capitalism. In a rainy day, I visited the graves of two Jang's at Taouen, surrounded by huge lake and a park with many serious sculptures of himself.

1 comment:

hmsy said...


For the taste of the coffee inside the thermal, I'm afraid it's poison if you drink the coffee with milk power mixed with melamine...hehehe

now I don't drink maxim but ML coffee....I want to live longer than now..

Life is very precious. IT IS TRUE!