Nov 24, 2007

New slideshow by blogger here.

I added a slideshow in sidebar as you see. Actually I was seeking a feed elements by google, but I just did it when I'm reading about that feed articels on web.

Flickr is nice but only 200 photos are available for free user that I cannot do anything more there. I have another account on yahoo but also it's hard to link with two different username at the same time.

The other recent discovery is photobucket. They provide 1G as well, however, it's not the point. They allow remix users' photos' and video clips on web with Premiere software. While Myspace bans any kinds of copyrighted sources, original sources are more important now when publishing.

One of my friends answered back, "enough!" when I tried to suggest to create a new account in photobucket if she needs more space for her fotos. It doesn't mean she has enough space, rather, my continuous suggestions of new discoveries is making her crazy on. I understand.

Even I am confused by so many usernames and passwords, dear... But the point is that I need a good space for my blogs and photos to share. I'm not free account collector even though I'm a collector of various stuffs in my room.

Let me see... I'll see how is this new slideshow with mix of feed, blog element, and photo space for the time being. The photos are from one of my albums in Picasaweb. Everything is google family now, dear...

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