Feb 1, 2006

Money collecting gods

Twin tower draws people's money all the time. Big jaws are open to collect money with the shapes of great ancient mythology. Dragon and tiger are usually just good symbols of myth, but here they are hired for fortune and grace as people wishes.

Of course some kind clergies and priests help people to pray and reach their wishes. Just giving money can invite any hands from the two great and powerful symbols .

Unfortunately, they need to pay for donating even. Fortunately, the day I visited were new year holiday that I was generously allowed to enter the towers.

The most curious thing was how they can bring fortune to people who pray before them. As I know, they are not gods. Just several hundreds meter apart there is a huge statue of North's god. Very handsome male god's statue is sitting as more than 30 meters high.

People gather not only to pray but enjoy holiday with family and just buy some incences. They shake and put into big brazier. And pray for a while. Is it working? Of course I don't know.

Only I know is that they are not serious but enjoying like picnic. That's it. I have no idea that they believe their wishes come true or just for fun. But it's certain that this busines is enormous industry of religion whatever they insist.

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